Eclipse: What you need to know to catch Friday's blood moon in France. - Just news updated

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Eclipse: What you need to know to catch Friday's blood moon in France.

Eclipse: What you need to know to catch Friday's blood moon in France.

Illustration photo: A full moon and the Eiffel tower are seen in Paris on July 3, 2015. AFP
The Local

The stars are set to be outshone by a Blood Moon in the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century which will be visible all across France on Friday. Here's what you need to know about this astronomical phenomenon and how to see it at its best.

What will the eclipse look like?

In a lunar eclipse, the moon appears darkened as it passes into the Earth's shadow.

During Friday's eclipse, the moon will gradually take on a reddish hue as it advances into the Earth's shadow and the colour will look "a little like when the sun sets on the horizon", according to a spokesman for the French Association of Astronomy Clément Plantureux.

But it seems the exact shade of red that will appear is hard to guess.

"Dark red, intense or coppery, it's difficult to predict," Pascal Descamps, an astronomer at the Paris Observatory told BFM TV. "This red tint comes from a filtering effect of the Earth's atmosphere... so the intensity of the colouring will depend on the state of the atmosphere."

According to NASA scientists: "The exact colour that the moon appears depends on the amount of dust and clouds in the atmosphere. If there are extra particles in the atmosphere, from say a recent volcanic eruption, the moon will appear a darker shade of red."

Illustration photo: AFP

Why does the moon turn red in a Blood Moon eclipse?

The red moon is possible because while the moon is in total shadow, some light from the sun passes through Earth's atmosphere and is bent toward the moon.

While other colours in the spectrum are blocked and scattered by the Earth's atmosphere, red light tends to make it through easier.

What time will you be able to see it?

In mainland France, the eclipse will be visible from 10 pm - 10.30 pm and it is expected to last until nearly 12.30 am.

"We have to wait for the moon to rise a little above the horizon to be able to see it, with the beginning of the eclipse taking place before the moon rises," Descamps said, adding that in French territories such as Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean the whole of the eclipse will be visible from beginning to end.

In mainland France, however, "we will only see the end".

And remember to try and catch the event as soon as you can because the moon will only be in a state of total eclipse until 11.15 pm when it will start to emerge and regain its normal appearance.

Those in the south of the country will be better placed to see the blood moon than those in Paris or the north.

"The beginning of the phase of the total eclipse will be visible only in the east of a diagonal line that links Bordeaux, Paris and Lille", said the site Sciences et Avenir.

So if you are Brittany or Normandy don't get your hopes up. Of course, everything depends on the weather (see below).

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