20 things to do before you turn 30 - Just news updated

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Sunday, July 1, 2018

20 things to do before you turn 30

20 things to do before you turn 30

It is in your 30s that you finally start to reap the benefits of all the hard work you had to put in before. You finally have enough money to do things which seemed out of reach, you are taken more seriously in life – professionally as well as personally.

Many people rush into marriages because of this irrational fear of the big 30, to reach certain milestones before their ‘time is up’. Many even think of marriage as a licence to do certain things that they cannot consider before they are hitched. 

For most Indian women, at least, travelling with friends is still a taboo. But, there are many other things you need to do, to learn, and to unlearn even, before turning 30 – and they have nothing to do with marriage. Like...

1. Learn how to drive. It’s a life skill not a choice. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a car yet
2. Ride a bike. Yes, there are still a huge number of people who never rode a bike. Drive they can, but never rode a bike.

3. Invest your money wisely. No matter how little, but invest.

4. Invest in property. Maybe in a two-tier city, and wait for its price to appreciate.

5. Learn how to file your own taxes. Or, learn the basics but get a good accountant. But learn about filing taxes.

6. Travel solo. Yes, it’s a cliche now. But do it anyway. You’ll learn a lot about yourself.

7. Travel with your girl squad – and you’ll get to see a side of yourself and your friends that you’ve never seen. Good or bad, we’ll leave that for you to decide.

8. Travel with your significant other. Doesn’t have to be a far-flung, exotic destination.

9. Ace your favourite dishes at home. Love pasta? Learn to cook pasta in 5 different ways.

10. Take your parents on a trip. You’ll never forget the look on their faces.

11. Perfect the art of throwing house parties for close friends. Yup, it’ll be crazy a few times but it will teach you to be in charge.

12. Read everything by your favourite authors. Yup. Not just that one or two... finish all books by your favourite authors.

13. Watch all the classic movies you’ve ever wanted to watch, and then add some more. Regional, foreign and Bollywood.

14. Value your platonic relationships. They need time and nurture.

15. Try and understand the meaning of love beyond romantic interests and relationships.

16. Invest in a signature wardrobe. Yes, this is the best part of hitting 30s. You’ve finally figured out your style. You can change again. But by and large, you know what to buy and how to wear it.

17. Start an exercise regimen.

18. Perfect your go-to makeup look.

19. Start taking care of your skin.

20. Learn a new language.

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